Sketch Tutorial


Content design



Prime Digital Academy is a school in Minneapolis, MN which offers an an excellent UX immersion program. Instructors of the course partner with local clients to provide students with real projects, and over 18 weeks teach the UX design process, research methods, common deliverables, project management, and presentation of design work.


The UX design course at Prime uses popular design tools such as Sketch and Figma. 

These tools are conceptually different from products students may already be familiar with, such as Keynote or Powerpoint, and students often grapple with learning a new conceptual model of a canvas, artboards, and reusable symbols or components.

My role

I am one of the UX program coaches at Prime, where I support primary instructors by hosting in-class workshops, evening office hours for student questions, and creating supplemental course material. 

For this project, the goal was to create an introduction to Sketch that would complement our normal office hours by providing students an easy way to be introduced to Sketch.

What already existed

Prime already had a getting started guide for Sketch, but it offered a basic introduction to the tool, and relied heavily on external resources and video tutorials. 

In the original design, students were frustrated with the amount of support they received to learn a complex tool, and frequently asked for more direction or resources.

new text for image


First iteration

My first approach was to expand on what already existed, with the assumption that a more robust guide would be a more helpful guide.

Using the original guide as a starting point, I used a mind map to plan what concepts to add or revise.


Because the main concern from an instructors is getting students comfortable enough to produce low-fidelity wireframes, I chose to focus on the basics of the interface, artboards, shapes, and text.

Using Notion, I made a long, single-page document to cover the different topics, expecting it to be a comprehensive introduction to Sketch.
